Our catering partners are Cater Care. Our Dining Room is an inviting space for our students who spend a large portion of their day in this space.

A large variety of food is provided for each meal, with a 5 menu week cycle in operation providing for significant variety and a high quality of food.

Throughout the year there are various theme nights, birthday celebrations, formal dinners, etiquette nights and our weekly community dinner at the conclusion of Mass.

Dining Room Menu

Download the Term 1 2024 Boarding Menu below.

Eating together

Boarding students dine together in the Dining Room for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Recess is provided outside so the boarders can mix freely with their other friends and participate in the usual recreational games. Afternoon tea and supper are served in the Boarding Houses.

Enquire Now

Get in touch with us today and learn why St Greg’s is the perfect choice for your child’s education and growth.

Senior Boarding School Enquiries

Monday - Friday from 8.00am to 4.00pm (school terms only)
Phone: 02 4629 4222
Fax: 02 4628 1594

Email: boarding@stgregs.nsw.edu.au